[xubuntu-users] Introducing the new Xubuntu Testing Team

Cody Somerville cody.somerville at gmail.com
Sat Feb 17 17:16:30 UTC 2007

Hi Everyone,

 At the last Xubuntu meeting, we decided that we needed a dedicated team
working on ensuring that Xubuntu and the Xubuntu ISOs are well tested. As
such, I'd like to introduce everyone to Jim
Campbell<https://launchpad.net/%7Ejwcampbell>who will be leading this
new team. If you are interested in finding out
more or even helping out, you can visit their launchpad page at
There is work also under way on the wiki to make sure getting involved is
easy at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing

Even though we only been able to get Herd 2 released (and not Herd 1, 3, or
4), I'm sure we'll be able to get Herd 5 out and have even more
comprehensive testing ready for the release candidate and herd 6 - that is
if you guys get involved. Luckily, getting involved is super easy! So visit
the above links today and lets all help make Xubuntu rock solid stable!


Cody A.W. Somerville
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