[xubuntu-users] Show version av Xu ?

michael at michaelshiloh.com michael at michaelshiloh.com
Mon Feb 5 18:04:51 UTC 2007

Excellent! i've wondered about that for awhile, although if i had thought
about it logically for a minute, i may have realized that "man getty" would
have told me. ah, hindsight.

of course the answer to the original question is difficult. you start off
with, say, a 6.06 live cd. you update, upgrade, change "dapper" to "edgy" in
/etc/apt/sources.list, update some, remove others.

what version are you running now?

my install was originally dapper, and then i upgraded to edgy without
reinstalling. /etc/issue correctly has me at 6.10, but i wouldn't at all be
surprised if some files still think i'm at 6.06. i'll bet that's why the other
poster reported inconsistencies.

perhaps in a sense sources.list is the definitive answer, but even that has
multiple lines, and i suppose you could have a mix of releases there, although
i wouldn't try that.

thanks again for the good question and good answers. i always learn a lot from
this list.


On Mon, 5 Feb 2007, Radomir Dopieralski wrote:

> Dnia Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 09:37:09AM -0800, napisale(a)s:
>> Not an (x)ubuntu specific question, but where is that information coming from?
>> i.e. from where is getty reading the information that is displayed at the
>> login prompt?
> /etc/issue
> -- 
> Radomir `The Sheep' Dopieralski

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