Xubuntu 20.04 What's New Video

Bernardo Oliveira jb at bernardooliveira.com
Mon Mar 16 10:19:35 UTC 2020

Dear Yousuf,

I agree with the idea of an introductory video for 20.04.

My opinion on the questions you asked:
1- I think it would be more interesting if it covered everything from
18.04, as that is probably what most users have installed, as it is the
most stable.
2- Around 5 minutes should be enough so it doesn't get boring
3- That's something I can't answer because I don't have that kind of
4- This is the link you are looking for I believe ->

 The Google Docs is also a great idea and I believe that the team will
benefit from using it

I know my reply probably wasn't the most helpful but I just wanted to make
sure that the team has my support

On Sun, Mar 15, 2020 at 9:42 PM Yousuf Philips <ypharis at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Team,
> I would like to create a what's new video for 20.04 and would need help on
> what things should be cover in it. I'm hoping it to be as good as the one
> made for Kubuntu, Gnome and Plasma.
> Here are some questions I have
> 1. Should it just cover things since 19.10 or from 18.04? I think from
> 18.04
> 2. How long should it be for? I think 3 to 5 minutes
> 3. Has the 20.04 release announcement text already been prepared and if so
> can i get access to it?
> 4. Where can I get the official artwork, like the logo?
> All are welcome to add things to the google doc below that they think
> should be covered in the video and +1 for things that are already added.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VQqoX1ECord-ZIj-m_RZa3V8IcHFILXXmoh7x0wf7Dg/edit#
> --
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