
George Miles ~ dicegeorge dicegeorge at
Wed Apr 15 19:25:23 UTC 2020

A lot of people have broken windows 7 systems on old machines in 
cupboards which they could revitalise by putting Xubuntu onto
rather than trashing it.


On 15/04/2020 19:42, Yousuf Philips wrote:
> Hi Samuele,
> Welcome. If you'd like to help with translations, you can work on the 
> user-docs and the installer slides. I'd recommend starting with the 
> installer slides as there are only 15 strings to translate.
> Translations have to be approved by the italian translations group, so 
> it would be good to contact them on their mailing list and introduce 
> yourself there, which should help get your contributions merged faster, 
> as you can contact them directly to request to look over your work.
> When it comes to filing bugs, many bugs would need to be filled upstream 
> with xfce, while other bugs would be xubuntu specific bugs and filed on 
> launchpad. If you are not sure, you can join us on IRC.
> Regards,
> Yousuf
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 7:01 PM <samuele.bertollo at 
> <mailto:samuele.bertollo at>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     I am Samuele, and would like to start contributing to this project.
>     I am finishing a degree in Electronics and Informatics Engeneering.
>     I would like to introduce myself telling some of my skills and
>     interest and why I would like to contribute to this project at list
>     for this 10 days before the official release.
>     ## My story with Linux
>     I am a Fedora Gnome/Ubuntu user. However I used Xubuntu 14.04 a lot
>     because I had a slow laptop at that time. I did some distro hopping
>     but Xubuntu was the one that hitted my confort spot. Then I passed
>     the laptop to mum and tried to find the best distro for her. I
>     accostumed with Linux Mint Mate but then I discovered poor security
>     practice of Linux Mint. Then I switched to Ubuntu Mate. I consider
>     Ubuntu Mate a good distro an Mate is probably lighter os as light as
>     Xfce, but with more options. However the default are really
>     questionable, the integration with CSD and Gnome apps in general is
>     very poor (try to install gnome-weather or gnome-clocks), and their
>     conservative approach imo is not very good for usability. Also Mate
>     is good for more geek people but Mate Welcome and excpecially
>     software Boutique is overwelming for a new user. Also it looks to me
>     that Xubuntu have more room for improvement and many people would
>     benefit from them.
>     ## Trying to help with the right to study in the time of coronovirus
>     I am Italian, wich has been hitted hard by coronavirus. The school
>     are closed and lessons are often given by the internet. The right of
>     study is at threat, not everybody has a smartphone, a laptop (or a
>     fast enough laptop) a tablet to follow the lesson. Some people have
>     many kids and just one laptop.This put on threat the ONU right to
>     study. I think Xubuntu could help, so helping for this 20.04 is my
>     way of helping other people.
>     ## What I'll try to do
>     I'll try to do some translations in italian, file some bugs and make
>     some request that I find reasonable.
>     -- 
>     xubuntu-devel mailing list
>     xubuntu-devel at <mailto:xubuntu-devel at>

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