Xubuntu suggestions

Guilherme Miguel guilhermemiguel97 at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 4 17:48:42 UTC 2020


I've been playing around with Xubuntu 20.04 beta since yesterday, and I'll continue to do so in the next couple of days. Here are a couple of notes I took while trying the system out:

-I'll admit that I don't like the new default wallpaper - I changed it to the old one fairly quickly;

-I changed the wallpaper's style from Zoomed to Centered. Upon relogging in, it still remembers the Zoomed option first and only changes to Centered once the panel and desktop icons show up. I didn't report this as I'm not 100% sure it's a bug;

-It's hard to grab a folder or an application's lower extremity to expand its size, both straight down or diagonally;

-Inactive text's default grey is perhaps too grey - it gives off the feeling that it's a button that cannot be pressed/changed.

Using Xubuntu has been very fun. I've used other distros with Xfce before but Xubuntu probably has the most polished one I've seen, other than maybe Zorin Lite.

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