First Eoan Ermine test rebuilds

Matthias Klose doko at
Mon Jun 24 12:29:32 UTC 2019

The first test rebuild of Eoan Ermine was started on June 16 2019 for
all architectures, all components.

Results (please also look at the superseded builds) can be found at

The report uses some additional color coding, marking packages different which
always failed to build, or where the build failure is no regression compared to

Additional build failures for packages in eoan-proposed (not yet in eoan)
can be found at

Please help fixing the build failures.

There is also a test rebuild using GCC 9.1, which will become
the default compiler for the 19.10 release. Results at

Packages to set GCC 9 as the default GCC can be found in the
ubuntu-toolchain-r/volatile PPA.


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