Test of 20 March Xubuntu Core 18.04 ISO

Emery Fletcher albinard at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 21:31:27 UTC 2018

Tested the 20 March ISO of Xubuntu Core

Computer: 2009-era Compaq, AMD CPU, BIOS, 3GB RAM Nvidia GeForce 6400 graphics

Opened to Try without installing page
Checked that existing installation (Xubuntu Core from 09 March ISO)
was mountable
Chose Install from Icon
Chose Download Updates while installing
Chose "Something else" option, set up root and swap partitions
Noted that the usual "Warning: here's what it will look like when you
continue" (or words to that effect, showing the new partition table)
did not appear, it just went ahead and did it correctly
Installation went faster than ever: 23minutes start to end, despite slow DSL

Currently running well, will report if anything crashes

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