Community wallpaper contest for 18.04
flocculant at
Thu Oct 19 07:04:38 UTC 2017
On 21/09/17 18:41, Pasi Lallinaho wrote:
> On 21.09.2017 19:28, flocculant wrote:
>> On 21/09/17 13:03, Pasi Lallinaho wrote:
>>> Hello people,
>>> while we are still in the middle of the development cycle for 17.10,
>>> I'd like to start the discussion about the potential (although
>>> likely) community wallpaper contest for 18.04.
>>> We've ran the contest twice now, and the last time we used the
>>> WordPress plugin specifically created for this purpose. Does anybody
>>> think we need to tweak the tool – either how submissions or voting
>>> works? If needed, I can set up a test contest (for the team) to
>>> re-evaluate things.
>>> That aside, the main thing I wanted to talk about are the policies
>>> for the contest. Last time we use the following guidelines:
>>> There are two main things I'd like to propose to change:
>>> First, I'd like to limit submissions to a certain number per person.
>>> While I'd like to see the number of submissions go up, I would like
>>> them to be from a bigger group of people. Additionally, this means
>>> we'll make the submitters pick their best work instead of us having
>>> to vote on it.
>>> Second, I would like to limit submissions to own work only. While
>>> this means we are potentially excluding people from the contest, we
>>> are still making the contest more about the community – not just a
>>> community curated contest.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Pasi
>> On first reading - you want to increase the submissions by making the
>> submissions from each person decrease and also by making them less
>> easy to accomplish?
>> Seems to me like a quick way to get nowhere fast.
>> regards
>> Kev
> I said I would like more submissions, but not if it meant one or two
> contributors sent over half of the total submission amount...
> I don't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure it was only team members
> (me included) who submitted work from others (that was suitably
> licensed, of course). If so, the other limitation would have no impact
> at all for the non-team community.
> On 21.09.2017 20:12, Dave Pearson wrote:
>> I like the way we did it last time..
>> I wouldn't limit the number of submissions by each person..
>> thats a sure way of not getting enough..
> To comment on this particularly, I think we had enough submitters the
> last time and theoretically, if we only considered, say, three from
> each submitter, we still had enough material to vote on.
> We are also well ahead of the schedule we had the last time; if we
> want, we could even run the contest from the beginning of the cycle
> and all the way near the UI freeze, which would mean months of
> submission time. (That said, I'm not sure making the submission window
> longer necessarily means more or higher quality submissions.)
> Thanks for the feedback – I want to get this right/better this time,
> so better start early...
> Cheers,
> Pasi
Bumping this so it's a bit fresher for the BB cycle on Friday :)
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