Volunteers needed for testing the wallpaper contest site

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at shimmerproject.org
Wed Mar 2 12:33:28 UTC 2016


As you might know, the Xubuntu team has been planning and preparing to
run a community competition for wallpapers to celebrate the 16.04 LTS
release. I'm happy to announce that we are finally at the point where we
only need some last preparations done.

One of the preparation task is testing the custom-built site that
accepts submissions. This is where we need your help!

Practically, we need you to send us some test submissions via the site
so we can make sure the process works as expected and is easy/clear
enough for the participants. You will need a Launchpad account for this.
After you have done your test submissions, we will run our own tests
with the data. Finally, we will remove the data, so nothing here is
final. (If you want, you are of course free to send your submissions to
the contest - beta testing the site won't make you uneligible to enter!)

If you want to help the Xubuntu team, please be in touch with me through
this list, and I'll be in touch with you on the details.


Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                » http://open.knome.fi/
Leader of the Shimmer Project         » http://shimmerproject.org/
Ubuntu member, Xubuntu Website lead   » http://xubuntu.org/

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