New Ubuntu Flavours download page

Michael Hall mhall119 at
Tue Feb 9 20:34:10 UTC 2016

Hello Flavours!

Last year the Community Council heard from some of you that you wanted
your flavour to be more easily discovered on the download page of Since then we have worked with Canonical's design team to
produce a design and content for that page.

I am pleased to tell you that it has now been published at, along with a new row on that links to that page.

The links for each flavour points to your respective homepages. If you
would like the link to go directly to some other page, please file a bug
on for the web team,
requesting the change.

If you have any questions about this, or for anything else the Community
Council can do to help support and promote your work with Ubuntu, please
don't hesitate to contact us.

Michael Hall
mhall119 at

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