
Elfy ub.untu at
Thu Sep 4 15:18:29 UTC 2014

On 04/09/14 10:38, Deepanshu Thakur wrote:
> Hello, My name is Deepanshu Thakur and I am a newbie. I don't have 
> much knowledge about coding but I have experience about exploratory 
> and manual testing. I am contributing in Mozilla in QA and I want to 
> work in ubuntu too in Qualtiy and testing. So please suggest me how 
> and where to start. I have joined IRC too but didn't get any 
> satisfactory solution.
Hi Deepanshu,

As you've posted to the Xubuntu list - I'll give you some specific 

All of our testing gets reported  on the Ubuntu trackers - there are 2 
that we use, 1 for images and 1 for packages.

To do more than read the tests you will need to be able to login to the 

Our package tests are collated at

That shows you 2 groups of Optional tests - and four other package 
groups - Suite A to D. We are more interested in results for the latter 
4 than the optional, though any test is better than none.

Using the Menulibre testcase as an example -

    Once at that page you will see /Link to the installation
    instructions /and /Detailed information on the testcase/ - you can
    ignore both of those.

    Below those you can see /Testcase/, click that and you will then see
    the testcase we want performed for Menulibre.

    Run through that - either in an installed system or in a vm and then
    report your result at the bottom. You can either mark the test as

    Failed - in which case you must link at least one bug, and for it to
    fail it would need to be a critical bug.

    Passed - this can have a bug associated or not.

    In progress - self -explanatory, you can return later to change
    status to Failed or Passed.

Image testing is collated at, 
currently we aqre testing Utopic Dailies -

Filtering on the left pane to Xubuntu will leave you with 3 Products, 
Xubuntu Core, Xubuntu Desktop amd64 and Xubuntu Desktop i386.

Ignore the Xubuntu Core product, that will be the topic of a mail to the 
dev list in a short while.

Using either the 64 or 32 bit options left you will find 5 tests we ask 
people to test on images, 3 relate to actually installing - entire disk, 
autoresize and manual partitioning - each of those has a testcase 
associated with it in the same way as package testcases do - read the 
testcase - do what it asks - report your result.

The Live Session test can be undertaken while you are completing one of 
the 3 install tests, or if you wish as a stand-alone test.

All of these testcases can be done on a virtual machine, but if you are 
intending to do the auto-resize test you MUST have both an existing AND 
sufficient disk space for the recommended disk size.

The final image testcase, Post-Install, obviously requires you to have 
an installed system to test.

Further questions to the mailing list or IRC - for specific Xubuntu QA 
help please join, #xubuntu-devel more general enquiries on #ubuntu-quality

Hope that helps


Ubuntu Forum Council Member
Xubuntu QA Lead

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