[TEAM] Trello board

Elfy ub.untu at btinternet.com
Fri May 16 14:56:45 UTC 2014

On 16/05/14 15:11, Elfy wrote:
> Following the team meeting today it was decided to try using Trello 
> for team members [1,2] to communicate more effectively - this enables 
> us to have more detail than blueprints do as we use them.
> I've set up a board [3] for us - within the board, I've created a list 
> for each team - based on the blueprints for Utopic [4] , for each list 
> I added a card with the relevant team blueprint URL for reference.
> See what you make of it, hopefully it will add value to the team - the 
> intention being to vote on whether to use it for further cycles.
> Those of us with trello accounts I know about have been added to the 
> board. Those without won't be able to see the board as it's set to 
> private and will need to create an account [5]
> Let me know once you've got an account via IRC or e-mail and I'll add 
> you to the board.
> If anyone happens to use Trello and has a board they want to link - 
> you can add the link in a card, I've done so with the QA board.
> Elfy
> [1] https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-team/+members#active
> [2] 
> http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-05-16-10.01.log.html#l-216
> [3] https://trello.com/b/P9r6ICd0/xubuntu-team
> [4] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-u-flavor-xubuntu
> [5] https://trello.com/signup?returnUrl=/
I changed that - the board is in the same place - I've added the QA 
board so you can see what we do with it.

There are coloured labels available - which I've used to differentiate 
between subteams


Ubuntu Forum Council Member
Xubuntu QA Lead

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