[TEAM] Drop XChat for 14.10

David Pearson dave at reklan.co.uk
Tue Jul 29 22:10:13 UTC 2014


While xchat has helped me over the years, I am more technical than the average Joe(25 years plus in IT). Its not the easiest thing to get the hang of.

To be honest I think anything that can make irc easier and more noob ( apologies for generalisation, but this is the best term)

Has to be a good step

Sent from my Nexus 7...

On 29 Jul 2014 13:10, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Simon_Steinbei=DF?= <simon at xfce.org> wrote:
> Hey Xubuntu team members,
> we started voting on a proposal for the default IRC client in today's
> meeting[0].
> In short, what we're voting on is whether to drop XChat for Xubuntu
> 14.10.
> == Rationale ==
> Those who need IRC can still use pidgin and this is a consistent move
> in terms of streamlining our default applications (remember the
> dropping of GThumb in 14.04).
> This decision would be revisited for 15.04, so if we'd see the need, we
> could re-add XChat (or hexchat).
> == Voting ==
> Just reply with +1, 0 or -1 to this thread – you can obviously also
> explain why you voted one or the other way. So far, we have 4 votes
> from team members for the proposal to drop XChat and 0 against (and 0
> abstained).
> Please note that ONLY XUBUNTU TEAM MEMBERS CAN VOTE. Other votes are
> ignored, so please don't send a vote and waste bandwidth unless you are
> an active member of the Xubuntu team [1].
> == End of vote ==
> This vote will expire in one week (June 6th, 10:00 UTC), so please send
> in your votes in a timely manner.
> Cheers
> Simon
> Xubuntu Project Lead
> [0]
> http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-07-29-10.30.log.txt
> [1] https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-team/+members#active
> -- 
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