Xubuntu target audience and development focus (Was: Re: Default application for IRC)

Dave S mclovinsblog at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 01:16:35 UTC 2014

When I was on the Lubuntu team I had similar issues that decribes what Pasi
is trying to explain to you, (those issues being the reason I stopped
working on it), people wanting things added, or wanting things removed,
based on THEIR wants and needs, for example, one person didn't want to
include the update manager, saying "it uses too much system resources, and
if someone needs to update the system, they can just use the terminal and
do a sudo apt-get.....", not taking into account, or thinking about the
target audience of ALL Ubuntu versions, to be ready and easy to use for
ANYONE, this includes new users, especially with the mess that is Windows
8, and the end of support for WindowsXP.

I say all this to try to give you an understanding of what developers have
to think about, and what has to kept in mind when selecting applications to
include in the ISO's when it is being made and released.
Dave S. (aka McLovin)

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 2:33 PM, Pasi Lallinaho <pasi at shimmerproject.org>

> On 2014-07-15 20:57, James Freer wrote:
>> As there's no shortage of space on the DVD iso Xubuntu could offer a
>> setup version of emacs with email, irc (ERC), Org and other stuff.
> Just because there is space is a bad argument. With that argument, you
> could argue that anything in the repositories is suitable for including and
> ask it being added. There needs to be some more substance into it.
> In addition to that, Xubuntu does not target users with specific skill
> sets or aptitudes (direct quote from the Strategy Document [1]), including
> users who wish to use Emacs to do everything and anything.
> Please let's try to keep our target audience and our areas of focus in
> mind and avoid any unnecessary traffic on the development list.
> Kindly,
> Pasi
> [1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#The_Target
> --
> Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                      » http://open.knome.fi/
> Leader of Shimmer Project and Xubuntu       » http://shimmerproject.org/
> Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  » http://xubuntu.org/
> --
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