Feature request

Stephen Michael Kellat skellat at fastmail.net
Wed Jan 8 17:42:45 UTC 2014

While there are other replies to this, I'm going to address this from a different angle perhaps.

Typically the time for feature requests to be made is before the development cycle begins.  We can still receive such now but it will have to be bound over until the next development cycle generally.  There is a deadline during the development cycle for establishing what will happen during a release that is common to all flavors.

As to shipping the packages and making an installation option, that's actually a very messy thing to do.  Patches would likely need to be made to the installer for Xubuntu only to handle such.  Consultation with upstream would be required to see if the patches would be accepted but this does not seem to generally bring value to all flavors who happen to use the same installer as us.

The package "ubuntu-defaults-builder" can be used for making your own bespoke version of Xubuntu.  The documentation for doing so is somewhat lacking and requires some hacking.  Other tools exist for making your own re-spins.

Right now the priority is to prepare to deliver the 14.04 Long Term Support release.  This would be a big thing to switch gears on mid-way to try to accommodate now.  A specification could be drafted for 14.10 and refined until we start looking at ideas in late April/early May for that cycle.

I'm sorry we couldn't have a more accommodating answer at this time.  The tempo of the release cycle remains fixed.  We march ever onward to the drum's beat.

Stephen Michael Kellat
Member, Xubuntu Team/Xubuntu Documentation
(Stealing a moment over lunch in the basement cafeteria at work)

On Jan 7, 2014, at 7:43 PM, Joel Ewing <physicsshark3 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am wondering if including an option to install LibreOffice during the Xubuntu installation (in place of or alongside Abiword and Gnumeric) could be considered for an upcoming release of Xubuntu.
> Recently, I was part of a group to decide what Linux distribution should be chosen to run on a fleet of old laptops that were owned by a school.  I suggested Xubuntu, but my suggestion was ignored partly because Xubuntu does not come with LibreOffice.  Although Abiword and Gnumeric are great at what they do, many users seem to gravitate towards LibreOffice because it is more fully-featured.  I would appreciate if the developers could look into this matter.
> Thank you.
> Joel Ewing
> -- 
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