XFce & Wayland (was: Feedback on desktop convergence changes)

Alistair Buxton a.j.buxton at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 11:52:03 UTC 2014

On 20 August 2014 23:23, Eero Tamminen <oak at helsinkinet.fi> wrote:

> Thanks!
> Screenshooter is least important (being utility instead of integrated
> part of desktop), but I think Wayland needs to provide some API for
> that eventually.  AFAIK other desktops have same problem.
> What about the first 2 issues, doesn't gnome-shell / desktop have
> the same problems as XFce panel and desktop have?

Yes, all Wayland compositors have to deal with this problem somehow.

The way both KDE and Gnome Shell deal with it is to combine the
compositor/window manager/desktop/shell/panels into one huge
application that does everything.

This is the reason you can't use a window manager of your choice with
Gnome Shell.

Alistair Buxton
a.j.buxton at gmail.com

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