Be part of the 0,00005% (and help us with testing)

Dave Pearson dave at
Mon Sep 23 18:37:37 UTC 2013

Full new entire disk installation done on two separate PC's

A Home built Intel Quad core and an Lenovo Thin Centre.

Both passed with flying colours.. 

Do you want them marked as two separate tests or just as one (only reported
one for now just in case.. easier to add thatn take away  :-)     )

Dave Pearson

-----Original Message-----
From: xubuntu-devel-bounces at
[mailto:xubuntu-devel-bounces at] On Behalf Of Pasi Lallinaho
Sent: 23 September 2013 13:42
To: Xubuntu Developer
Subject: Be part of the 0,00005% (and help us with testing)

According to Popcon, there are at least 128,024 Xubuntu users worldwide. *

During 13.10 Beta 1 testing, the Xubuntu images were tested 15 times by
6 testers. We know we can do better, but we need your help.

Please help up with testing images. The Beta 2 images are now up at **. If you need
help with testing, join us at #xubuntu-devel on the Freenode IRC network.

Only reported tests count!

Yours truly,
Pasi Lallinaho
Xubuntu Project Lead

* The statistics are based on every Ubuntu installation that has the
packages xubuntu-default-settings and popcon installed. For the raw
statistics, go to
** Due to hardware failures, 32-bit images aren't up yet. Please wait
patiently or test the 64-bit images.

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                      >
Leader of Shimmer Project and Xubuntu       >
Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  >

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