Update of the minimum requierements

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at shimmerproject.org
Thu Nov 28 09:03:02 UTC 2013

On 28/11/13 09:28, Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Richard Elkins
> <richard.elkins at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Will,
>> Not to discourage you .....
> Uh oh, no response, I fear we may have scared him off :)
>> Performance test plan?
>> Goals/design
>> Individual tests
>> What do you intend to hold constant and what will you vary?
>> VM host machine environment E.g. hardware CPU/GPU/chip-sets, Linux kernel
>> video module, X-Windows video driver
>> VM settings to be used (chipset, EFI, display, etc.)
> These are very good points so in an attempt to move this along...
> I'll start off by saying that we do now recommend a user have 512M of
> RAM once it's installed, which might be OK.
> Also worthy of note, we offer 32 and 64-bit versions. 64-bit tends to
> take more RAM so we'll want to pay attention to that.
> Now, I'd like to propose the following testing plan that it would be
> great to see results from a few folks for to test a random smattering
> of CPUs and other factors:
> Test 1: 12.04 Alternate CD, 32 & 64-bit
> Our website claims you can install 12.04 Alternate on 64M of RAM, I'm
> skeptical but we should start here :)
> Use the 12.04 Alternate CD installer on a VM with 64M of RAM and a
> single CPU - I suspect the installer will finish but will it even
> boot?
> If not, add RAM by increments of 64M of RAM until you get a system
> that boots and you can log in to.
> Report results (remember, we say 512M once it's installed, so if it's
> slow that might be ok)
> Test 2: 12.04 Live CD, 32 & 64-bit
> Our website claims you can install 12.04 standard on 256M of RAM, this
> may be possible - let's try! Same methodology as above.
> Test 3: 13.10 Live CD, 32 & 64-bit
> Did 12.04 work on 256M? Can 13.10 as well? Let's try! Same methodology as above.
> These tests will take time, so if you want to just do one of these
> tests - great, reply with your results of that one test and enjoy your
> week! Every test done will be helpful in determining where we stand.
> Thanks everyone.

Ultimately we might want to see what the requirements for the installed
"core" system would be once we progress with that.


Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                      » http://open.knome.fi/
Leader of Shimmer Project and Xubuntu       » http://shimmerproject.org/
Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  » http://xubuntu.org/

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