Feature Freeze, and how it affects Xubuntu teams

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at shimmerproject.org
Thu Aug 29 04:56:52 UTC 2013

Hello people,

just a heads up that Feature Freeze is about to hit us soon (today). The 
obivous effect of the FF is that no new features should be landing to 
13.10 after the freeze.

We're still about to land a few things before and after FF, namely:
– Support for GTK3 indicators in the panel (after FF)
– New xfce4-settings with new display and xkb modules and some updates 
to the Settings Manager itself
– (Possibly) Mugshot, a user-configuration application

The other effect of the FF is that the documentation team can soon start 
reviewing if/where the docs need updating. Other, previously uploaded 
changes that might be of interest to the documentation team (and the 
release team for the release notes) are some new default shortcut keys 
and new application versions. Check details with developers.

I would advise people to wait until Monday before starting with the docs 
review to be sure everything has landed. Documentation String Freeze is 
on September 19th, so there should be enough time to update the 
documentation even if you waited until the Beta 1 release.

Furthermore, the testing team should acknowledge that some of the new 
features landing will require them to review and update some of the 
(package) testcases.


P.S. If I'm making little or no sense, it's because a 2 hour sleepytime. 
Just poke me for more (accurate) details if needed.
P.P.S. If I forgot something please reply to the mail and share 
information as needed.

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                      » http://open.knome.fi/
Leader of Shimmer Project and Xubuntu       » http://shimmerproject.org/
Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  » http://xubuntu.org/

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