Xubuntu on XMir discussion

Stephen Michael Kellat skellat at fastmail.net
Tue Aug 6 21:41:02 UTC 2013

On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 12:07:36 -0700
Shuhao Wu <shuhao at shuhaowu.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm sure we've all heard about the potential move to XMir for Xubuntu.
> I don't see a discussion thread anywhere so I thought I'd start one so
> we can all offer our opinions.
> As a daily Xubuntu user, I would be against putting XMir as the
> default on Xubuntu 13.10. In fact, I don't think that this should be
> done until at least 14.10. For one, there are still a lot of open
> issues surrounding XMir (multi monitor support being a big one) and it
> is much less mature. Setting that to the default probably will cause a
> lot more issues than we expect on the field. Stability is a very
> important issue for many users such as myself.
> Furthermore, we would be taking a big performance penalty if we
> included XMir as the default for 13.10 (probably will improve in the
> near future but there will still be another layer):
> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTQyOTY
> I would be totally okay with putting this in a package somewhere
> (xubuntu-desktop-xmir?) so users can opt to install it themselves to
> test and so forth.
> Cheers,
> Shuhao

For as many copies of the image as have been downloaded we do not nearly have a corresponding amount of reports.  Right now the priority is to test, evaluate, and communicate results so that information can be passed to the Mir team.  In the less than 16 days remaining the Mir team still has a chance to push another version of code for evaluation and they deserve that chance.

The meeting when this will be discussed is set for August 22nd in the #xubuntu-devel channel of freenode.  Until then the Mir team still have time to land more code in response to issues we've raised.  If and when new code is released a new re-spin of the test image can be made for evaluation.  

Just because a negative-looking evaluation presently appears on Phoronix does not mean we must immediately foreclose further testing and move up our schedule for making a decision.  From the bug activity I have observed, the Mir team is already responding to concerns we've raised.  They are aware of the deadline we have for making a decision so I am minded to let them try their hardest until then.

Waiting is the hardest part, I realize.  This too shall pass.

Stephen Michael Kellat

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