Testing Precise Pangolin Beta2

xubuntu-dev-list at nairb.us xubuntu-dev-list at nairb.us
Thu Mar 29 15:11:10 UTC 2012

i've tested the xubuntu i386 live cd, (a few different daily builds most
recently the one built on the 28th) and found an issue i think with
nm-applet.  with initial boot of the live cd in virtual-box VM, the
applet says connected, but i can not access the internet until resetting
(disconnect & reconnect through the applet).  this prevents ubiquity
from running until you can connect to the internet.  once installed
however this issue did not happen again.

no other major errors to report, at least for the most recent build. 
looking forward to the new release.


On 03/27/2012 09:31 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
> It is now 01:29 AM on March 28. We have exactly zero tests finished for
> Precise Beta 2. A new image was just released. That means every test on
> the QA ISO tracker must be re-done. Having a little more than 24 hours,
> I can not accomplish this alone. Please help test if you can. I do not
> know if another image will be built, but everytime a new image is
> built, we test all tests again.
> Please help with the testing if you can.
> Post your tests at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker .

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