xubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 82, Issue 6

Marcus W marcus at gcn.cx
Tue Jul 10 23:25:23 UTC 2012

Hi, I am trying to unsubscribe from the mailing list, but I keep getting the following message: "If you supply a password, you must confirm it."

I don't quite understand what that means, there is no place to confirm my password.

--- xubuntu-devel-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:

From: xubuntu-devel-request at lists.ubuntu.com
To: xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: xubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 82, Issue 6
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 12:00:47 +0000

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: IDEA: Integrate C?atfish into Thunar
      (xubuntu-dev-list at nairb.us)
   2. Re: IDEA: Integrate C?atfish into Thunar (Benedek Imre)
   3. Re: IDEA: Integrate C?atfish into Thunar (Simon Steinbei?)
   4. Xubuntu contributors meeting reminder, Wed. 10th of July,
      2012 (Janne Jokitalo)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 11:35:54 -0400
From: xubuntu-dev-list at nairb.us
To: xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: IDEA: Integrate C?atfish into Thunar
Message-ID: <20120709113554.10bd0f56 at smee>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

hey guys & gals,

xubuntu uses the open source thunar file manager, and catfish file
search app, but xubuntu team is not the developer of either.

I believe such a thunar feature request would have to go through the
applications actual development team: http://thunar.xfce.org/


On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 16:25:21 +0400
Michele Mor <m_mor at mail15.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm not a dev, but my 2 cents about this.
> > I've just elaborated a very easy to do proposed solution about this
> > 'search thing' - what do You think about? To integrate Catfish into
> > Thunar is a bit complicated I think so forget it, leave Catfish as
> > a standalone application and use it, but:
> > 
> > 1. Rename it to 'File Finder' (as I wrote before its name tells
> > nothing about its function). Move it close to Application Finder in
> > Accessories (You can do it easily by Main Menu Editor). I think
> > Application Finder and File Finder is a nice unit with clear names.
> > 
> > 2. Insert File Finder into Thunar's File menu (it could simply
> > launch File Finder as a standalone app in the actual folder). It
> > needs to picking the code of Thunar, only programmers can do it.
> > 
> > I think this solution is really easy to do, does not need big
> > developments, but has got advantages: clear for everybody,
> > accessible from most adequate places.
> > 
> > See the mockup:
> > http://ubuntuone.com/1aQxStk30agDyA5WqOwKFU
> > 
> This is not bad, but I still prefer your previous mockup.
> Having a "file finder" or "file filter" on your Thunar window is a
> huge advantage for a user. For example, if you download a file .mp3
> and then open your "Download" folder it would be much easier to
> identify that file if you could restrict Thunar to show only .mp3
> files. As it has been mentioned earlier, Win and Mac do the same, why
> can't Xubuntu?
> Thanks.
> Michele



Message: 2
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 23:21:02 +0200
From: Benedek Imre <nucleo at indamail.hu>
To: Xubuntu Development Discussion  	<xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: IDEA: Integrate C?atfish into Thunar
Message-ID: <20120709232102.1106.qmail at mail12.indamail.hu@vipmail.hu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

To Brian:
It's not Xubuntu's developers business: Yes, You're right - I've always guessed it. I'm going to try to reach some guys at Xfce or at Xubuntu who knows them and can help. It will be a bit hard, cause Xfce Desktop team and Thunar developers are not the same (I'm not sure) and my proposal affects both of them.

To Michele Mor:
Michele, if You click on 'Type' in the header of Thunar, it lists the files by type OR if You select Edit>Select by pattern and insert *.mp3 into the input field, Thunar will select all the mp3s automatically. I do not think Windows or MacOS can do more for You.

Otherwise we must see to integrate Catfish into Thunar is not a 5 minutes work (furthermore Joshua wrote Thunar needs to be kept fairly lightweight and I agree with him), so finally I've changed my mind and therefore I suggest keep Catfish standalone, move forward with small steps, do some things for let the search function is more easy to find for beginners also.

Sincerely, Imre

-- Eredeti ?zenet --
Felad?:  <xubuntu-dev-list at nairb.us>C?mzett:  <xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>Elk?ldve: 2012. j?lius 9. 17:36T?rgy : Re: IDEA: Integrate C?atfish into Thunar

hey guys & gals,
 xubuntu uses the open source thunar file manager, and catfish file
 search app, but xubuntu team is not the developer of either.
 I believe such a thunar feature request would have to go through the
 applications actual development team: http://thunar.xfce.org/
 On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 16:25:21 +0400
 Michele Mor <m_mor at mail15.com> wrote:
 > This is not bad, but I still prefer your previous mockup.
 > Having a "file finder" or "file filter" on your Thunar window is a
 > huge advantage for a user. For example, if you download a file .mp3
 > and then open your "Download" folder it would be much easier to
 > identify that file if you could restrict Thunar to show only .mp3
 > files. As it has been mentioned earlier, Win and Mac do the same, why
 > can't Xubuntu?
 > Thanks.
 > Michele
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Message: 3
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 01:01:23 +0200
From: Simon Steinbei? <simon.steinbeiss at elfenbeinturm.at>
To: Xubuntu Development Discussion <xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: IDEA: Integrate C?atfish into Thunar
Message-ID: <20120710010123.3207b5c0 at artichoque>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

On Mon, 9 Jul 2012 23:21:02 +0200
Benedek Imre <nucleo at indamail.hu> wrote:

> It's not Xubuntu's developers business: Yes, You're right - I've always guessed it. I'm going to try to reach some guys at Xfce or at Xubuntu who knows them and can help. It will be a bit hard, cause Xfce Desktop team and Thunar developers are not the same (I'm not sure) and my proposal affects both of them.

Thunar's development is stalling a bit at the moment. The main developer has recently relocated and he's busy with his new job, so we'll see how soon things will start moving there again. And to get more to your point, Thunar is an integral part of Xfce and the maintainer/developer of Thunar was always a core member of the Xfce developers.

> Otherwise we must see to integrate Catfish into Thunar is not a 5 minutes work (furthermore Joshua wrote Thunar needs to be kept fairly lightweight and I agree with him), so finally I've changed my mind and therefore I suggest keep Catfish standalone, move forward with small steps, do some things for let the search function is more easy to find for beginners also.

Moving forward in small steps is a very good idea.
While I agree that the context-menu entry is not as discoverable as can be, adding a link to the main menu isn't going to happen for now. Thunar doesn't provide any way for external applications to hook in a new menu-item and hardcoding a "file finder" link to catfish would be ludicrous (even though it would be a really really simple patch) because you have to keep in mind what'll happen if catfish isn't installed or gets removed.

Renaming the application's menu-entry is something worth considering. I'll talk to the catfish-devs about it. (Could imagine a name without dropping the "catfish name", something like "Catfish desktop search".)

 - Simon


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 12:46:36 +0300
From: Janne Jokitalo <astraljava at kapsi.fi>
To: xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com, xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Xubuntu contributors meeting reminder, Wed. 10th of July,
Message-ID: <20120710094636.GA24675 at lakka.kapsi.fi>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi gang,

just a reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday, 10th of July, 2012 we're having the
next Xubuntu contributors meeting again. As usual, the agenda and other details
can be found from our wiki page [0]. Hope to see you there!

[0]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings

Best regards,

Jaska (astraljava on freenode.net)

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