Xubuntu precise pangolin 12.04.1 images on ISO tracker

Ho Wan Chan smartboyhw at gmail.com
Sun Aug 19 13:29:04 UTC 2012

Sure, I'll help.... Thanks astraljava... and all who brought Xubuntu and
Ubuntu Studio to the users

2012/8/19 Janne Jokitalo <astraljava at kapsi.fi>

> Hi again,
> time for my semi-regular spam message. This time we're looking for testers
> to
> verify our 12.04.1 Release Candidate images. Precise is an LTS release,
> and this
> is the first of the point releases during the support cycle.
> Not too much has changed since the initial release, but there are some
> improvements, like fixing of bug #1001936 [0] in xfwm4, "GTK3 Grab/Move
> Triggered on Mouse Click". Of course all core system updates are also
> refreshed
> on the packages, to keep the image as up-to-date as possible.
> So, if you wanna help, please head on to the ISO tracker [1]. Once again,
> if you
> have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask either here on this
> mailing
> list, or on IRC [2].
> Thanks in advance for your contributions!
> [0]: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1001936
> [1]: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/230/builds
> [2]: #xubuntu and #xubuntu-devel channels on irc.freenode.net
> Best regards,
> --
> Jaska (astraljava on freenode.net)
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> --
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