Documentation; GO!

Paulo Ribeiro paulo at
Tue Aug 7 10:01:52 UTC 2012

Hello again,

Over the weekend I managed to install the DocBookWiki application on a 
Ubuntu Server 10.04 machine, but unfortunately I couldn't get the 
application to work. I suspect that DocBookWiki is no longer compatible 
either with phpWebApp, which is one of the dependencies, or with PHP 5.

Furthermore, the project isn't actively maintained for at least 4 years 
which limits the option of asking for support.

Interestingly, I found an old blog post by Mark Shuttleworth where he 
poses the same requirements as the Xubuntu Documentation project:

There are many suggestions of tools to do the job in the comments, 
including the built-in DocBook support of MoinMoin, which sounds promising.

Perhaps someone is already familiarized with one of the suggested tools 
and could give any advice about using them in the Documentation project?

Paulo Ribeiro

On 12.Aug.02 21:21, Elizabeth Krumbach wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 1:15 PM, Paulo Ribeiro <paulo at> wrote:
>> I did a quick search and found a wiki application that allows displaying and
>> editing DocBook documents online:
>> I can check if this is a viable solution as soon as I have the time,
> Oh, very cool! Thanks for taking the time to look into this, looking
> forward to seeing what you find.
>> or we
>> could search for other similar tools that would allow us to work
>> collaboratively directly over DocBook...
> The goal at this stage is really making the docs easy to collaborate
> on (manually editing docbook files isn't easy), but if we actually
> could keep it all in docbook through the whole process, while keeping
> it easy for people, that'd be fantastic.

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