Documentation; GO!

Paulo Ribeiro paulo at
Thu Aug 2 11:03:58 UTC 2012

Hello everybody!

The first task of copying the documentation to the wiki seems practical 
and simple enough. I will be sure to help with that as time allows.

In the meanwhile, I made a copy of the latest Xubuntu documentation 
available on my site so that I can access it even when I'm not on 
Xubuntu. Perhaps it can be useful to other people as well:

I hope to see the discussion about the documentation structure and 
content starting soon. :)


Paulo Ribeiro

On 12.Aug.01 21:10, Pasi Lallinaho wrote:
> Hello Xubuntu documentation enthusiasts!
> It's time for the next step in the documentation rewrite. Those who
> signed up as *Writers*or *Technical Editors*, it's time for you to
> shine! Soon, *Grammar Editors*can chime in too!
> There are few things we need to get sorted out next. These are listed
> underneath. The roles in the parenthesis mean the primary groups that
> should undertake these tasks, but you can help out even if you didn't
> list in that group too.
> What we need to do now is:
> – Copy the current documentation to the wiki (Everybody, where applicable)
> – Review the documentation structure (Technical Editors)
>     – Is the documentation structure good, or should we reorganize?
> (Technical Editors)
> –Do we have any redundant information in the documentation? (Technical
> Editors)
> –Should we add something else to the documentation? (Technical Editors)
> – Does the documentation match the current state or applications?
> (Technical Editors)
> –If not; rewrite the section and once the sections are rewritten, check
> them for grammar errors (Writers, Grammar Editors)
> –If yes; make sure it's clearly written and check for possible grammar
> errors (Grammar Editors)
> We have put together a temporary wiki for this work to be done on here:
> We've set up a few sections as
> examples on how to add the content to the wiki. Follow the examples, or
> if you think you can do it better, feel free to!
> Please don't beshy about starting edits, but keep in mind that this is
> collaborative so you will want to coordinate with other documentation
> writers on the xubuntu-devel mailing list when discussing deletions or
> major changes to sections. You may also consider splitting up
> "ownership" of the sections so only one person is working on them at
> once, that's up to you –the docs team!
> The original documentation can be found in Docbook format at
> for those who want to
> learn Docbook – those who signed up as Docbook Editors). If you're
> scared of Docbook, you can also use the offline menu in your
> installation; just navigatie to Help in the applications menuand it will
> bring up the documentation in a web browser.
> Finally, please note that Xubuntu does not currently have Documentation
> Lead, which means we're feeling our way here and just beginning to build
> upwhat the documentationinfrastructure and the conventions are.
> Suggestions welcome!(Eventually, we might pick a Documentation Lead if
> there is people willing and able to take that position.)
> However, if any kind of questions or disputes arise, you are very
> welcome to send email to the xubuntu-devel mailing list. Ultimately,
> there are two people resolving disputes and other issues; Pasi
> Lallinaho, the Project Lead and Elizabeth Krumbach, the Marketing Lead.
> Please note that it's summer time in the northern hemisphere so we have
> a lot of project members traveling and generally just having holidays in
> the coming weeks and we don't want anyone feeling held up because they
> didn't get a response.
> Cheers,
> Pasi
> --
> Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                      »
> Leader of Shimmer Project and Xubuntu       »
> Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  »

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