Introduction text on website (Was: A word or few about near future)

Eero Tamminen oak at
Sun Oct 30 22:28:51 UTC 2011


On maanantai 31 lokakuu 2011, Pasi Lallinaho wrote:
> > Maybe the pages could also explain very shortly how Xubuntu differs
> > from the other Ubuntu variants.  Now there are just references to
> > Ubuntu, without any explaination what's the relation of that to
> > Xubuntu.
> > 
> > This explanation should be clear enough that people understand how
> > Xubuntu differs from e.g. Lubuntu.  That one seems to be sacraficing
> > functionality&  usability in the application selection in order to keep
> > more lightweight.
> Yes, this should be explained at the About -page, which is linked to
> from "Read more about Xubuntu" in the front page, just below the
> introduction text.

Current About page seems to be telling what's *same* in all Ubuntu
variants, i.e. what's Ubuntu in general, not what Xubuntu is about.

While it's good to tell that too so that one can differentiate Xbuntu
e.g. from OSX & Windows, that could be for example under "The features &
philosophy derived from the Ubuntu distribution" heading.

	- Eero

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