A word or few about near future

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at shimmerproject.org
Fri Oct 28 23:27:57 UTC 2011

On 10/29/2011 02:23 AM, Pasi Lallinaho wrote:
> Hello!
> Thanks again everybody for choosing me as the new Xubuntu Project Lead.
> I will be taking a break from FOSS sometime soon, and unless you want 
> to meet each other just for fun or to work with ongoing business, I 
> will not be keeping community meetings until I've come back from my 
> short break. This will mean the next meetings are on the week after UDS.
> If you have thought of keeping a break from FOSS too, beginning of the 
> cycle is a good time. Enjoy your time off! (Sorry Lionel, this doesn't 
> apply to you... ;))
> I'm proposing to add Simon Steinbeiß [1] in our Artwork team, as well 
> as the Xubuntu Team. The rationale behind this is continued 
> contribution to Xubuntu, via desktop themes and many many more things. 
> If somebody has anything to say about this, please do it before 
> Friday, 4th of November. Unless nobody wants to discuss this further, 
> Simon will be added to the team. Otherwise, it will be discussed and 
> voted on the next community meeting.
> We are getting closer to the publishing of the new website [2]. Once 
> it's out, I'd like to publish a MINIMUM of one article per month in 
> the blog. Subjects should be everything about Xubuntu, from quick 
> lists of reviews about Xubuntu in the last month to development, 
> artwork, ISO testing, community... Anything that relates to Xubuntu, 
> at least somehow. Please feel free to tell about ideas for articles, 
> and feel free, but not obligated, to start writing drafts.

I also changed the "intro" paragraph text on the frontpage [2] today, 
please tell me if you feel it's incorrect, or think it should be changed 

> While it is very recommended, it is not a "hard requirement" to be a 
> Ubuntu member to be able to get your article on the blog. We will sort 
> out on how to proceed with this, but since we've done it before [3], I 
> don't think there is any real obstacles.
> Thanks, let's keep in touch via email and IRC.
> Sincerely,
> Your new Project Lead,
> Pasi Lallinaho
> [1a] https://launchpad.net/~simon-steinbeiss
> [1b] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimonSteinbeiss
> [2] http://wp.xubuntu.org/
> [3] http://xubuntu.org/news/natty-artwork

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                      » http://open.knome.fi/
Leader of Xubuntu&  Shimmer Project         » http://shimmerproject.org/
Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  » http://xubuntu.org/

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