Proposed changes on Xubuntu leaders

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at
Fri Nov 18 18:39:52 UTC 2011


I'm most happy to announce that Elizabeth Krumbach (pleia2) has 
expressed her interest in being the new Xubuntu Marketing lead. With 
this notice, she will be appointed the Xubuntu Marketing lead on Monday, 
21 Nov, unless anybody expresses any objections, including nominations 
for other candidates as the new Marketing lead, before that in this 
mailing list, IRC, or any other way to me. In that case, we will have a 
discussion and a vote on either appointing or not appointing her, or in 
the case of several canditates, a vote between the candidates for the 
Marketing lead position.

I'm also proposing of dropping the Website lead status from Vincent 
Tunru, just because he hasn't been very active lately, and nominating 
Elizabeth Krumbach as the new Website lead. If you think Vincent or 
somebody else should be the Website lead, please send nominations to 
this mailing list, IRC, or any other way to me.


Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                      »
Leader of Xubuntu and Shimmer Project       »
Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  »

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