Xubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin | Replace Thunderbird with Sylpheed?

Micah Gersten micahg at ubuntu.com
Sun Nov 6 15:14:42 UTC 2011

On 11/06/2011 06:28 AM, Glenn de Groot wrote:
> Hello everyone, I would like to start a discussion about the default
> mail client in Xubuntu.
> I would love to see Sylpheed as the default mail client in 12.04 for a
> couple of reasons.
> 1. Thunderbird properties in Synaptic: 39.8 MB
>     Sylpheed properties in Synaptic: 2040 KB
True, but Xubuntu hasn't really been hurting for space on the CD.
> 2. Thunderbird doesn´t look very integrated on Linux, Sylpheed is
> really build for GTK.
There might be some integration work done on this now that it's the
default client in Ubuntu as well.
> 3. Other lightweight distro´s (like Lubuntu) also ship Sylpheed,
> Claws, Balsa and similar.
We're not specifically a lightweight distro.  We're going for the best
user experience based on the Xfce desktop.  This was discussed recently
in meetings, but I can't seem to recall at the moment where this is stated.
> 4. Sylpheed uses 5 MB (fully setup with Hotmail), Thunderbirds uses
> much, much more.
Aye, this is an issue.  But, fortunately, I think Thunderbird will
benefit from some of the Firefox MemShrink efforts[1].


[1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Performance/MemShrink
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