top 10 FAQ for Xubuntu site

Charlie Kravetz cjk at
Wed Jun 29 23:43:04 UTC 2011

On Mon, 20 Jun 2011 17:06:32 -0300
Bruno Benitez <gridcube at> wrote:

> Hello to all, hope you are having a very nice day.
> First of all thanks to all the people who makes xubuntu, I always find  this
> to be one of the greatest linux distros I've tried. So Thank You All.
> Now to business, as I've proposed on the #xubuntu-devel channel I would like
> if Xubuntu had a "Top 10 FAQ", Why? because I feel that if a new user comes
> to an absolute new OS and finds out he can't listen his music he might go
> and say, "What?!" and then leave, but if he would come and see that what he
> has just installed says to them "Here, check this top 10 questions to get
> you started", then he would feel welcome and will most probably stay.
> So I'm proposing this possible, not demandatory, and not even 10, questions,
> in no particular order either:
> *How to listen music and play video?
> How to install video drivers?
> How to turn sound?
> How to play DVD's?
> How to enable Compiz? (*this is a really usual question on #xubuntu*)
> How does one move panels? (*this might sound silly, but many people have
> asked this at least once, me included*)
> How to add new themes?
> Why don't wallpapers stay listed on the xfdesktop-settings?
> *
> I am also proposing this to be 10 FAQ because that would make them easy to
> mantain, and easy to translate to many languages by those people interested
> on to it, like me.
> Well thats all i guess, have a good day.

This is a fantastic idea for Xubuntu. Yes, many of these should be
intuitive. Some are, but most are issues that many new people ask over
and over in #xubuntu. I am quite sure these are not all the things it
would be nice to point to, either. Let's get a list together and post
it on the It will not only be a very useful aid for
new users, but a way to draw/push those same users to the website. 

If you would like to see an item on this list, please submit it. We are
closing submissions in two weeks, which will be 2011-07-13. 

Thanks for helping make Xubuntu greater than it is!

Charlie Kravetz 
Xubuntu Project Lead
Linux Registered User Number 425914          []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.           []

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