Review of content

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at
Sun Jun 26 15:46:13 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

Over the past couple months I've been working with the team to get all
our pages on up to date. Most of the content bugs have
been fixed but we need more eyes reviewing the site.

In particular, we need to go through the pages linked here to make
sure everything is accurate:

I worked with Charlie to update the "Quality Assurance, Bugs and
Testing New Versions" section, but for those of you active in the
other four areas if you could take a quick look at your sections to
make sure 1) the information is accurate 2) the information is
complete. If there is anything which needs to be changed please submit
a bug describing the change required so I can handle it:

Much appreciated.

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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