Replacing GIMP

Jarno Suni jarno.ilari.suni at
Sun Jul 31 12:38:34 UTC 2011

On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Kristian Rink <kawazu at> wrote:
> Am Fri, 29 Jul 2011 18:40:09 +0300
> schrieb Jarno Suni <jarno.ilari.suni at>:
>> mtPaint has layers and it is very light.
> Does it support easy loading/storing of layered images into a single
> file akin to *psd or *xcf? The last time I checked this, even pinta
> wasn't up for that. And even this way: Is this software an average user
> needs, or is this "expert" functionality? Is "advanced image processing"
> or "digital painting" a use case required to be covered by a standard
> installation / live image? I'm not sure.

You have to save each layer as an image file and then you can save
layers.txt by Layers -> Save as ... And later open layers.txt

I did not find curves tool in mtPaint, but there is such a tool in Rawstudio.

>> I would add rawstudio, but it is not made for painting at all.
>> Rawstudio does not modify your original photo files. Instead, it saves
>> your setting for each image in hidden .rawstudio folder in image's
>> folder. Processed images are saved in a folder of your choice. Batch
>> processing is supported (for scaling at least).
> Rawstudio and rawtherapee are apps even more specialized than gimp or
> pinta IMHO as they only make sense if you (a) do RAW photography at
> all, (b) do own a camera providing a RAW format supported by either of
> these tools and (c) want and know how to effectively do RAW file
> processing on your computer after all. In my opinion, those tools just
> should be found maybe on a "graphics oriented" version of UbuntuStudio
> but really don't make sense on a default one-size-fits-all installer.

At least Rawstudio 2 can use non-RAW files as source files and you can
do similar tuning limited only by channel bit-dept of such images.
Cropping and scaling make sense when using non-RAW images as well as
when using RAW files as source files. Rawstudio 2 has option to upload
photo to Picasa, Flickr and Facebook, too. I tried Rawtherapee some
years ago and it was much slower than Rawstudio then. Rawswtudio 2 is
available from PPA.


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