xubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 64, Issue 2

Tim Ford timefordrums at gmail.com
Sat Jan 15 23:48:47 UTC 2011

I think that realplayer would be best music player

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 5:00 AM, <xubuntu-devel-request at lists.ubuntu.com>wrote:

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> Today's Topics:
>   1. default applications for natty (Simon Steinbei?)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2011 21:34:45 +0100
> From: Simon Steinbei? <simon.steinbeiss at elfenbeinturm.at>
> To: xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: default applications for natty
> Message-ID: <20110106213445.38eb4c3d at legba>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Hi everyone,
> as discussed in the xubuntu-community-meeting today I'd like to start some
> kind of discussion about the default applications for the next release
> (natty).
> Currently we have Firefox as browser, Thunderbird as email-app and Exaile
> as musicplayer. Those are the ones I'd personally put up for discussion, but
> of course we can extend this.
> There are some specs I've written a long time ago for the default mail
> client (at that time it was thunderbird vs. claws), you can find them here:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Specifications/Karmic/DefaultMailClient
> In general I've found the wiki-approach semi-helpful. It's good to
> structure the pros and cons of an app like this, but it's not exactly a
> discussion starter. If any of you have time/energy to do one of these
> application comparisons for Natty, that would be really great. (I'm
> currently too busy with artwork to be able to devote the extra time.)
> So for browsers I'd say it's Firefox vs. Midori and Chromium.
> For Email apps it's Thunderbird vs. Claws-mail (again).
> The selection of music players is pretty large nowadays, not sure what to
> suggest here.
> Ok, this should be enough to get some discussion going.
> All the best
> Simon
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> End of xubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 64, Issue 2
> ********************************************

*Java Rocks!!!!!*
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