default applications for natty

Micah Gersten micahg at
Sun Jan 9 00:19:10 UTC 2011

On 01/07/2011 09:51 PM, Phil Whitaker wrote:
> I agree that we shouldn't change the default apps too much and should
> only do so if there's a real benefit to be gained.
> That said, my browser vote goes to Chromium - I switched from Firefox
> over 12 months ago and I've never looked back.  The daily version of
> Chromium from the PPA is slightly more unstable than Firefox, but I'm
> assuming we'll go with the stable release, so this shouldn't be an
> issue.  IN my opinion, Firefox is old and tired when compared to
> Chromium - the layout is cleaner and I'm much more productive since
> switching.
<snip />
> Hope that helps.
> Phil
People seem to be forgetting that Firefox 4 will be in Natty (beta 8 is
already in), not the current Firefox that's in Maverick and earlier
releases.  I think it's unfair to compare Chromium to Firefox 3.6.  For
those that want to try Firefox 4 on a stable release (karmic and up), we
have a test version in the firefox-next PPA (sudo add-apt-repository
ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next).  The package is firefox-4.0 and can be
installed side-by-side with the current Firefox.


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