default applications for natty

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at
Fri Jan 7 19:33:19 UTC 2011

On 01/07/2011 09:11 PM, Jim Campbell wrote:
> Hi All,
> On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Glenn de Groot
> <glenn_de_groot at <mailto:glenn_de_groot at>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     here are some of my thoughts:
>     Chromium looks really odd and alien on linux, and Midori is
>     unstable, so I say stick with FF.
>     Claws-mail is really good and lightweight, it will be a good
>     thunderbird replacement.
>     Exaile is not bad but I like (the new) Audacious a lot.
>     It has a beautiful gtk interface and is the most lightweight
>     player I have seen.
I'm all in for gmusicbrowser in the default installation. Don't know
about lightweightness versus Audacious though.
>     Also, has lightdm ever been considered?
>     It seems to be awesome and much lighter then gdm.
>     Lxdm is good too.
LightDM has and is been considered, AFAIK.
>     -Glenn
> If you haven't seen the latest issue, Linux Journal has a quick look
> at some alternate desktop environments, and the first one featured is
> Xfce on Xubuntu.  The primary* thing that they noted was that the
> default Xubuntu install ran with 325mb of RAM used, while Ubuntu's
> default RAM usage after boot-up was 328mb (by contrast, Lubuntu used
> just 167mb of RAM).  They actually suggested using Ubuntu with
> lighter-weight apps (i.e., Installing Ubuntu and replacing Rhythmbox
> with Exaile, etc.) over using Xubuntu.  (Note that they didn't
> *dislike* Xubuntu, but just thought it wasn't a big advantage to use
> Xfce over Gnome.)
> Xubuntu may load some useful features that Lubuntu doesn't load, but
> that RAM usage number is one measuring stick that people use. Would it
> be worthwhile to consider any changes that might allow for lesser
> memory usage at boot?  I'd be willing to help with testing out various
> configurations and reporting back to the group if that would help.
I don't really know if it's feasible or technically possible to
accomplish, but we could try disabling services by default, and then
give the user a choice to enable those later (more easily than from the
normal services settings). For example, CUPS isn't needed in every PC.
> Also, I went back to look at the "Should we use Chromium?" thread from
> 2009, and a couple of things have changed since then . . . Chromium is
> now stable (it was in beta at the time), there is a legitimate
> ad-blocking extension (not just ad-hiding), and it now allows for
> community translations (meaning we wouldn't be limited to Google
> Chrome's default language set.).  These were all larger concerns at
> that time.
Switching to Chromium by default sounds good, if it really does much
difference. If it's not a huge saving memory-/performancewise, then I'd
maybe say no.
> I'm indifferent on the mail application.  If it means that we could
> get rid of Xulrunner (which would require switching to Chromium and
> Clawsmail), it might be worth considering switching to Clawsmail,
> too.  I think yelp uses Xulrunner, though, and yelp gets pulled in
> with some of our gnome-apps, like file-roller.
Thunderbird is something I personally *need*. It being the default is
not mandatory, especially if we can get rid of Xulrunner.

I can completely live without file-roller, if we can find any
replacement, even a bit more memory-consuming. If Yelp truly uses
Xulrunner, would somebody like to find out which apps require Yelp in
the default Xubuntu installation so we can start shooting those out?
> Jim
> *They also incorrectly ascribed the nice-looking theme to work by
> Canonical.  I'll have to write a letter to the editor about that one. 
> : )
Thanks, Jim. That's appreciated :)


Pasi Lallinaho                              »
Leader of the Shimmer Project               »
Webdesigner, graphic artist, Ubuntu member  » IRC: knome @ freenode

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