Xubuntu Studio Request

Janne Jokitalo astraljava at kapsi.fi
Fri Aug 26 12:20:36 UTC 2011

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 06:23:51PM -0600, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
> Such enthusiasm is always nice to see, however, the developers of
> Xubuntu have no plans to fork UbuntuStudio. You could actually check
> with the developers of UbuntuStudio and see if they need help. They
> hang out on IRC in #ubuntustudio-devel .

Yep, forgot to mention this in the earlier post (btw. why two threads for the
same thing?)

> The plan for Oneiric is to use the Xfce desktop for UbuntuStudio, so I
> am sure help would be appreciated.

Yes, thank you! If you have time, and interest, everything's whole-heartedly
welcomed. Hop on in!


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