Replacing GDM with LXDM

Steve Dodier sidnioulz at
Thu Jun 10 11:56:37 UTC 2010

Hi there,

2010/6/9 Glenn <glenn_de_groot at>

> LXDM is actively maintained. ;)
> LXDM is not marked as stable but I never had an issue with it.

You do not, but the Xubuntu developers may if things start to break, because
users will begin to (rightfully) shout at them.

A first step for getting LXDM to replace GDM would be to compare the
applications (mostly stability, perenity, and feature parity). We have a
template for this, available here:
Feel free to give it a go.

Steve Dodier
Student at École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Bourges
Free Software Developer
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