Urgent help needed : Firefox is not working in Xubuntos

Andrew Stormont andyjstormont at googlemail.com
Wed Apr 21 18:02:04 UTC 2010

I had a similar problem on VMWare Workstation 7.  It was to do with DNS not

Try 'ping' (Google DNS servers) for example and see what happens.


On 18 April 2010 03:44, Debkanta Chakraborty <debkanta at iastate.edu> wrote:

> Hi ,
> I am a user of xubuntos 2.1 . Just today I downloaded VMWARE player 2.0.1
> and then installed xubuntos 2.1 in it to use TinyOS , NesC programming . But
> unfortunately internet specially firefox mozilla is not working in the
> virtual machine in Xubuntos , even though I have good and fast internet
> access in my local machine. If you could kindly tell me about some possible
> solution , I would be highly obliged .
> The second help that would be required is what is the latest xubuntos
> version that I can use without any problem and what is the compatible vmware
> player version for using that .
> Thanks and regards,
> Debkanta
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