Updates for Lucid Lynx

Kristian Rink kawazu at zimmer428.net
Wed Apr 7 08:03:14 UTC 2010

Am 07.04.2010 09:59, schrieb Kaspar Kööp:
> this is why it is important to divide some of the tasks for development
> iteration... that means - person X is responsible for updating the web
> page during MM development etc.
> i know we all want open discussion and democracy, but then no-one will
> feel the responsibility to do anything

I'm by no means a developer but rather just a quiet lurker on the list, 
but nevertheless what would be the "formal" way of volunteering / 
offering some time for work like adding news to a web page, doing some 
promotion, announcing new releases, ...?


Kristian Rink * http://pictorial.zimmer428.net # kawazu at jabber.org
"What was once thought can never be unthought."
(Duerrenmatt - 'Die Physiker')

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