Congratz on release of 9.10

Vincent mailinglists at
Thu Nov 5 20:46:13 UTC 2009

On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 2:59 AM, Cody A.W. Somerville <
cody-somerville at> wrote:

> Hello Xubuntu Developers and Contributors,
> I'm currently on a several hour drive to my new home in Ontario - another
> province in  Canada - but wanted to send a quick email to everyone to thank
> them for the hard work they invested in helping produce Xubuntu 9.10.
> I should have internet at my new residence later this week and am looking
> forward to reviewing what we accomplished in karmic (which was a lot) and
> what we want to aim for in lucid.
> I imagine we're going to see some changes in our leadership in lucid or
> lucid+1. I think I've made a decent go as the project lead in previous
> releases but felt I left a lot to be desired for karmic due to my
> increasingly limited time. The fact that karmic turned out great anyhow I
> feel is an indication that its time to pass the reigns on to someone else.
> Regardless of what happens, I will continue to contribute to Xubuntu for the
> foreseeable future. I'll write more on this later.
> Anyhow, once again: big thanks to everyone. Be proud and be sure to pat
> each other on the pack. Karmic is the best release yet and I love using it.
> Cheers,

Took me a while to reply, but anyway... I want to thank you for the great
work you've done for Xubuntu. It's unfortunate that you don't think you can
continue your role as project lead but it sure is appreciated what you have
done for the project hitherto. Furthermore I want to thank everybody else
who's worked to make this release another great release, because it's great
indeed - the many thankyou emails and messages on IRC prove it is. Can't
wait for Lucid :)

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