[Fwd: Re: [xubuntu-users] Free CD distribution program for Xubuntu]
Pasi Lallinaho
open at knome.fi
Fri Jul 24 21:35:05 UTC 2009
-------- Original Message --------
OK, I actually meant the xubuntu-devel mailinglist but I guess feedback
here would be fine too :P
Anyway, does anybody see objections on endorsing this from xubuntu.org
<http://xubuntu.org>? If so, please let us know. If nobody has any
objections then I'll add a link on the website.
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 10:45 PM, Mike Shaw <mdshaw89 at gmail.com
<mailto:mdshaw89 at gmail.com>> wrote:
My $0.02 - looks like a good option to me especially since there are
not any other options to get Xubuntu media.
Rorschach: By the way, you need a stronger lock. That new one broke
after one shove. - Watchmen
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Todd Robinson<todd at webpath.net
<mailto:todd at webpath.net>> wrote:
> Hello World! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
> The guys from the #xubuntu-devel IRC channel sent me over to get some
> community feedback before taking any "official" action such as linking
> it from xubuntu.org <http://xubuntu.org>. (Gotta love a
distribution that asks your opinion
> first.)
> The short version is that a couple of months ago we hosted a small
> yard dinner party and one of the developers asked if we might be
able to
> supply "Ship It" type support for Xubuntu. Since that time other
> distributions have also inquired about the possibility.
> It just so happens that the end of July, and through most of August,
> only a small portion of our production equipment is used, so I
> think of any better time to give it a shot and see how it goes.
Since it
> was someone from Xubuntu who asked first, I felt it only fair we start
> with Xubuntu.
> I've spent a couple of days running the numbers over and over, and
> working out details to the point where I'm fairly confident we can
> this work. I've posted a wiki page with all the details here:
> http://on-disk.com/cms/index.php?wiki=Quick_Ship_Free_Disc_Service
> The actual listing went up about an hour ago:
> http://on-disk.com/product_info.php/products_id/858
> For those not familiar with On-Disk.com, we have been very active
in the
> Open Source community for a number of years. We are the "Official"
> vendor for over 50 different distributions (yes, even for Ubuntu:
> http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/purchase/north-america), have set the
> standard for Live Media production (Flash Drives, SD Cards, CF Cards),
> etc. We were selected by the One Laptop Per Child organization and
> Fedora to supply the Fedora 10 SD cards for the previous Give 1 Get 1
> promotion...and if I have my way we'll have F11 for the XO on SD cards
> within a week. We are also, contrary to the appearance, a small
> home-based family business, so if you were wondering why we can't
> to foot the bill for shipping costs, this is why.
> If anyone has any problems obtaining the free disc please let me
know so
> I can troubleshoot the process. I did have to make a few
adjustments to
> our site to get this lined up, and it's very possible I could have
> missed something.
> Thank you,
> Todd
> --
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I'm forwarding this message from xubuntu-users for consistency. Let's
try not to top-post again. Todd and Mike (CC), please post any following
messages to xubuntu-devel mailing list.
Also, let's try not to top-post.
Pasi Lallinaho
Xubuntu Marketing Lead
Web-designer, graphic artist
IRC: knome @ freenode
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