Xubuntu team direction

Pasi Lallinaho open at knome.fi
Sat Dec 5 01:34:48 UTC 2009

J. Anthony Limon wrote:
> Pasi Lallinaho wrote:
>> Jim Campbell wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Although I was only there for two of the days, and Cody was sick for 
>>> one of those two days, Cody and I we were able to meet during UDS, and 
>>> talk about possible plans for the 10.04 release of Xubuntu.
>>> Of course we talked about some of the regular topics (and I'll have a 
>>> separate email about those), but I wanted to separate out a key 
>>> component of our plans from any discussions about regular 
>>> distro-related issues.  Specifically, we need to talk about team 
>>> leadership and team member roles. 
>>> As you know, after several releases as the project lead for Xubuntu, 
>>> Cody wants to step down and assume the role of a regular contributor.  
>>> I spoke briefly with Daniel Holbach while at UDS, and the community 
>>> council would prefer that we attempt to come to a decision as a group 
>>> instead of just bringing the matter to the community council.  It 
>>> makes sense, as we should be self-directed rather than dependent on an 
>>> outside group to come to a decision that we may not like (and that may 
>>> not work for us).
>>> With that, it's really up to us to decide how we handle the 
>>> transition.  Do we want to continue to have a singular project 
>>> leader?  If so, what responsibilities would that entail, and who could 
>>> that be?  If we choose not to go that route, or if no one wishes to 
>>> assume that role, could a group of people assume particular leadership 
>>> roles?  What could this look like? 
>>> We need to decide this as a community, so please share your thoughts.  
>>> What would be best for Xubuntu?  What would you like to see?  What 
>>> concerns do you have, and how could those concerns be addressed?  What 
>>> role(s) would you be willing and able to assume?  Feel free to share 
>>> any other questions or thoughts.
>>> Thanks very much,
>>> Jim
>> Thanks Jim for bringing this topic up. I appreciate it very much.
>> With all respect to Cody, I think the singular project leader approach 
>> didn't work out too great on some of the situations. Too many times I 
>> thought there was this one guy who always could veto anything any other 
>> leader had done. This was discussed once thoroughly and as Cody said, he 
>> thought working with the rest of the team was easier and kind of more 
>> pleasant. And I couldn't agree more. There wasn't that much decisions to 
>> be done after that, so I don't know if this approach would have worked 
>> in the long run after all.
>> Thank you again, Cody.
>> So where am I coming here? Well, I think Xubuntu could benefit from 
>> several leadership roles. Maybe these leaders could form some kind of 
>> council to discuss some important things and bring a shared 
>> conclusion/settlement if the developer community seems to disagree a 
>> lot. If there still would be disagreement and the council couldn't come 
>> to any conclusion, then I think the leader for the particular team would 
>> have the final word.
>> I once left the Amarok project as I wasn't listened to when I spoke on 
>> artwork and web – even if I was clearly the guy with most experience on 
>> those areas. I've had a fear that the Xubuntu team would slowly slide 
>> into this situation and several coordinated and equal powered leaders 
>> would definitely take away this fear.
>> Referring to my previous email to the development mailing list [1] I 
>> will focus on other things than previously, but I'm willing to continue 
>> as the Xubuntu Marketing Lead if nobody has any objections about that. 
>> This would probably also mean that I'd be one of the several leaders, 
>> representing marketing and, obviously, artwork.
>> Whatever the path is we choose to follow, one thing is for sure: we need 
>> more developers.
>> [1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2009-October/007158.html
>> Cheers,
>> -- 
>> Pasi Lallinaho
>> Xubuntu Marketing Lead
>> Web-designer, graphic artist
>> IRC: knome @ freenode
> I concur completely with Pasi,
> A council of some sort is (almost) always the best way to handle 
> community projects. It allows more thought and process as well as serves 
> as a sort of fail-safe for when someone cannot perform their duties.
> As a new member of the community I will continue to find my place within 
> it that best serves the users and further development of the system 
> itself. I have several ideas and criticisms I'd like to bring into 
> 'play' concerning the Lucid development process and I think the council 
> idea would make it easier for smaller voices to be heard and considered.
> - J
The different teams should be able to work on their selves, so not all
of the decisions must go through the council, but only the specific team
leader. If he thinks the subject would raise some constructive
criticism, good discussion or bloody disagreement, he should bring the
subject for the community (council) to review. The teams should work on
what they are experts on as much as possible without too much
bureaucracy and unneeded governance. We all have a shared passion and we
all are experts on what is the best for Xubuntu.

I hope the smaller voices are not feeling they are not heard. If they
do, they should contact their team leader who should bring issues to
broader attention. Every (at least half-sane) idea should be considered,
whether it was between two random contributors, a bigger group of
contributors, the council or the whole (developer) community!

Pasi Lallinaho
Xubuntu Marketing Lead
Web-designer, graphic artist
IRC: knome @ freenode

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