Xubuntu 9.04 post-mortem discussion?

Pasi Lallinaho open at knome.fi
Fri Apr 24 18:40:40 UTC 2009

Jim Campbell wrote:
> Hi,
> First, a hearty thanks and congratulations for everyone's work on the
> 9.04 release. In many respects, I think it is the best Xubuntu release
> ever, and everyone should be proud of their contributions. Thanks in
> particular to Cody, Lionel, Charlie, Jannis, Michael, Pasi, Vincent,
> the Xfce team, and um... Ubuntu and Debian. :)  (Please forgive me if
> I've left anyone out . . . )
> Second, yesterday on IRC, Cody mentioned that we should make sure we
> have release procedures in place. He was able to look up the Ubuntu
> release procedures on the Ubuntu wiki, and post several links to IRC.
> The Ubuntu release procedures are well outlined, and it will be good
> to have them as a reference in the future.
> However, this got me to thinking that it would be good if we had a
> post-mortem discussion about the 9.04 cycle. In particular, we could
> use this session to go over what went well in this release so that we
> can repeat it for future releases. We should also discuss what didn't
> go as well so that it can be improved for future releases.
> While this might not necessarily be a highly technical discussion,
> this session can also serve as a reference point for developing some
> of the process and team-related blueprints for the 9.10 release in
> advance of UDS in late May. I'm sure some technical blueprints may
> come about from this, too. The primary purpose would be to look back
> at the prior release, though.
> Do others think this would be a good idea? I would not want to have
> the meeting this weekend because I think people deserve a break and it
> will be good to see how the release has settled out a bit, but I think
> next weekend might work well.
> Let me know what you think. And, again, congratulations and thanks to
> everyone.
> Jim
Hi Jim,

I think this is a truly wonderful idea and we should do it.

Congratulations to everybody for the fantastic release!

Pasi Lallinaho
Xubuntu Marketing Lead
Web-designer, graphic artist
IRC: knome @ freenode

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