Artworks update

jmak jozmak at
Mon Sep 29 00:48:30 UTC 2008

Hello all,

Here are some news about the current state of artworks for intrepid.
More less the artworks are done. I reorganized  the wiki page by
putting the recommended artworks for intrepid to the front, for better

 I incorporated the logos in the new wallpapers experimentally.
Because of this, I created two versions of them, one for regular and
one for wide screen monitors.
The gtk theme still not completely decided on. In my last write up, I
recommended unity. Since then lots of things happened. Among others a
brand new theme, New wave (a darkish theme) was created that is based
on the newest murrine engine. Looks pretty cool and it comes with a
new xfwm4 theme. I also uploaded that one for review. Please take a
look at it.
For the icon theme, I recommend Gnome colors. Look at the screen shot.

Cody, don't forget implementing the panel icon improvement script, I
sent over to you a few weeks back. This would be important because the
script makes the panel icons as good as in gnome.
Look at the differences:

All the archive files are up on the wiki ready for implementation.


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