[ubuntu-web] Start page - lets go

Pasi Lallinaho open at knome.fi
Tue Sep 23 19:21:21 UTC 2008

Hi Matthew and other fellow contributors,

all the projects need a start page. That's why I think we really
should co-operate on this one between Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu.
Practically this could mean one man doing the start page for all the
projects - though hopefully not.

I am interested in this, and I will be doing the start page most
probably for Xubuntu and Kubuntu so... If somebody is interested in
giving me and hand with these, that would be awesome. I follow this
mailing list closely, so just reply or ping me (knome) at freenode.

I'm CCing this message to kubuntu-devel and xubuntu-devel mailing lists.

Pasi Lallinaho
Xubuntu Marketing Lead
Web designer, graphic artist
IRC: knome @ freenode

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