Testers needed for Alpha 6

Julian Burkhart heartshapedbox at gmx.net
Thu Sep 18 22:41:32 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

I just installed the alternate i386 version and played around with it a
little (in accordance with the testcase that is).
So far the only problem i encountered was the resolution set by xrandr.
In previous versions of xububtu it was set to 1600x1200 which was the
best I could ever get since we started using xrandr. My 24'' display
usually supports 1920x1200px... Even after thorough searches on the net
I never got the modeline right. After the install of the alternate i386
image the resolution was set to 1152x864 which is not bearable at all.
Apart from the resolution-issue  - which might even be due to
false/incorrect EDID-information sent by my monitor - I was able to
install several audio-players, keepassx, browse with thunar and firefox.
I got two empty ubufox pages on first use in firefox like the rest, but
thats already reported from what I read.
Sound worked out of the box, mp3's played fine in listen media player.
Compositing the desktop worked with mesa drivers.
Im always open for questions or further things/bugs I should test.


Michael Casadevall wrote:
> I've tested the livecd amd64. On my laptop, I had some graphical X11
> issues (but these happened to me with a Kubuntu liveCD as well, so it
> is not Xubuntu specific). Switching VTs resolved the issue for me.
> Aside from the previous usplash issue, nothing special to note. The
> only odditiy is the "Detecting Hardware" phase of installation took a
> good 15 minutes by itself. Other then that, nothing unusual to note,
> and no strange GDM issues for me this time around.
> Michael

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:02 PM, Julian Burkhart
<heartshapedbox at gmx.net> wrote:
>> ill test the alternate i386 cd with custom partitioning, dont have a
>> whole drive to spare atm. might take a while... will be my first
>> *grins*. if all goes well i might do another one tomorrow.
>> greets
>> julian
>> Cody A.W. Somerville wrote:
>>> Hello Folks,
>>>  We need testers for the Alpha 6 candidate pronto or it won't be released!
>>> Please visit http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com
>>> Cheers,
>> --
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>> xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
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