Testing Xubuntu 8.04 on Toshiba A105 - Help!

Vincent imnotb at gmail.com
Thu May 8 09:40:48 UTC 2008

On 5/7/08, Bob Gotthardt <bobgott at ptd.net> wrote:
>  Vincent,
> I appreciate the reply and did send the question (twice) to Xubuntu team
> last week. I have decades of IT experience and fascinated in Ubuntu
> distribution (I'm an old RedHat user).

Do note that this is a Xubuntu mailinglist - for Ubuntu-specific questions
you might be more lucky at Ubuntu mailinglists.

I want to contribute and have started a test scenario (see list of machines
> tested below). You are the first to contact me!
> In testing, I may have answered my own questions!
> * Toshiba A105 laptop:
> I ordered an additional 1GB ram and installed Ubuntu 8.04 [i386], with a
> 3G swap partition and 7+G left for root etal. All seems well except sound
> from FireFox and I don't seem to have driver for Windows/Dell network
> printer. It gets there, acts like it's printing but nada!

The best way to report bugs is by visiting bugs.ubuntu.com and reporting it
there. You need an account, then you can report the bug - be sure to check
for duplicates first.

* AMD3100:
> This XP machine has 110 GB of 160GB drive available, 8.04 tested well and
> I am defragging now. Do you have a process for XP Drive "shrinkage"? The
> Vista procedure worked well.

IIRC, the Xubuntu/Ubuntu installer (at least the graphical one) has support
for resizing existing partitions. See
http://www.23hq.com/Vincentt/photo/2589705 (the top option is resizing)

I look forward to hearing from you or other team members.
> Regards,
> Bob
> Vincent wrote:
> On 5/6/08, Bob Gotthardt <bobgott at ptd.net> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm a new, fascinated user testing Xubuntu 8.04 on an underpowered
> > Toshiba Satellite laptop.
> >
> > Unfortunately for dual-boot, I could only retrieve a 10G partition from
> > this 80G Vista drive [MFT near 64G mark prevents further shrinkage w/o
> > too much 3rd party]. Ubuntu 7.14 and 8.04 have tested well also.
> > 'Hardware Report' was sent and I joined Launchpad and Xubuntu Users as
> > dell at gotthardt.net.
> >
> > How do you feel I will fare installing Xubuntu 8.04 in this 10G
> > partition?
> Xubuntu should fit on a 10GB partition - I believe it takes up about 1,5
> GB after a standard installation. However, you'll have very little space
> left for your personal documents, settings and additional applications
> you're going to install (i.e. 8,5 GB), which may be even less if I'm
> mistaken and Xubuntu takes up more than 1,5 GB.
> By the way, this question might be more appropriate for the xubuntu-users
> mailinglist: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-users
>  Do you have any suggestions? Do you recommend otherwise, what about
> > another release or  full Ubuntu (tested well)? This is a personal use
> > machine with no special applications [I need alternative to Vista] and
> > I'll share any experiences with you.
> >
> > Additional testing conducted on AMD3100 (1GB), Vostro 200
> > (E2180 at 2.00GHz, 2GB),  hp8670c (P3/800MHz, 196MB), and xl759 (P3/800MHz,
> > 256MB) on Ubuntu 7.10 and 8.04. I want to join the team and share any
> > information I may have.
> >
> > This Toshiba has only 512MB, but that can be increased and I can add
> > another disk for Ubuntu use. Any comments and help appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Bob Gotthardt
> >
> > www.Gotthardt.Net
> >
> --
> Vincent

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