gnome apps

Kaspar Kööp meborc at
Thu Jan 31 21:39:28 UTC 2008


i see your point :) i just thought that as fluxbuntu is based on ubuntu (and
is light and responsive) that xubuntu could do it too... i guess the main
reason why it seems like a sacrilege to move towards gnome is that i left
gnome to have a lighter/faster desktop with xfce, and now it seams that the
gnome is following my steps :)

i just hope that you keep providing people with alternatives and make
xubuntu rock once again.


On 31/01/2008, Jani Monoses <jani at> wrote:
> Hi Kaspar,
> thanks for the feedback, no problem if you 'jump in' :)
> Kaspar Kööp wrote:
> > i'm sorry to come into between you two, but i have also felt the
> > responsiveness i got out of my old lappy, slip between my fingers when
> > running the xubuntu gutsy... it used to be so smooth and fast... now it
> > hogs... as in fresh install hog... therefore i have moved my lappy to
> > something lighter (fluxbuntu)
> >
> > i understand what Jerome is saying... and i also understand why Jani
> > needs numbers to back it down... but how can i back down what i say with
> > numbers, how could i explain what i feel using xubuntu every day? i love
> > xubuntu... but i have to say the responsiveness has gone from it
> >
> > why not the developers (before changing the programs) run some
> > benchmarks and get values that are really acceptable, so we (the users)
> > could see that the change in programs will not effect the overall
> > responsiveness.
> >
> > Jani, you need to defend your approach, i understand, but please,
> > honestly, don't you miss the fast-xubuntu we used to have? or are your
> > computers all too new and fast to see the difference?
> >
> Actually I feel the slowdown too and I am sorry to feel it. But the
> thing is, it does not come from the apps we changed. Those were in large
> part apps that you run once do you task and close them.
> I would understand if you said that switching back to xscreensaver you
> got a noticably faster desktop start, or that managing arhives with file
> roller became slower after swicthing from xarchive, but you seem to feel
> the general sluggishness.
> And that is due to Ubuntu's base system slowness coming from a variety
> of reasons: there are now python initscripts started for hplip, GTK
> itself and X may be less responsive than the versions before, font
> rendering may be slower etc. One of the things which was our choice is
> running the printer GUI daemon but that, as the other additions to
> recent Xubuntu can be either uninstalled or removed form the startup app
> list.
> Let me repeat this, I am not saying there is no slowing down, I feel it
> too, have been saying it for a while, and I have done a lot of specific
> patches during the past two years to GNOME apps to get them slimmer.
> However the problems many times lie elsewhere.
> If you really thought fluxbuntu is slimmer it means you picked a
> different environment altogether, whereas if only my GNOME apps choices
> are the ones that ruin the show you could have kept Xfce core and be
> happy.
> But if Xfce is slow with the non-GNOME apps thrown in than it's not
> entirely the GNOME apps fault.
> Jani
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