gnome-utils proposal
vidd at
Tue Feb 12 19:30:39 UTC 2008
Radomir Dopieralski wrote:
> Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 07:50:36PM +0200:
>> Another gnome package proposal. It consists of useful utilities which
>> are only run explicitly and for which we have no equivalents (except for
>> screenshot as a panel plugin)
> [snip (see below) ]
>> I know there were plans of adding search to thunar and also a disk usage
>> view but those have not materialized afaik. Same for floppy formatter.
>> Since many users would find these helpful but would not know where to
>> find them if not installed I propose including them.
>> Pros, cons?
> Let's see what alternatives are there:
>> The utils are:
>> - baobab, a disk usage analyser
> I think there was another, non-gnome utility, called gdmap, but its
> output is much harder to analyze and less useful. I also find it harder
> to operate.
> There are command-line tools like df and du, but they are only suitable
> for advanced users.
> Thunar can display a summary of a directory's disk usage when you click
> "properties", but there is no overview.
>> - gfloppy, a tool for formatting floppy disks
> Two comamndline tools, mformat (from mtools) and mkfs.vfat, could possibly
> be added as a custom action to thunar or with a simple gui could be
> written (but that's additional work, and the resulting application
> wouldn't be tested).
>> - gnome-dictionary, a program which can look up the definition of words
>> over the internet (including a panel applet to do the same)
> A commandline "dict" which does basically the same thing.
> There is also xfce4-dict-plugin.
>> - gnome-search-tool, with which one can find files by name or content
> There is "catfish", written by #xubuntu regular, and also
> tracker-search-tool (is it the same as gnome-search tool?). I won't even
> mention beagle ;)
>> - gnome-system-log, a log viewing application
> For now we just tell users to use a text editor. A dedicated application
> is nice because a) it shows in the menu b) it lists the available log
> files. A similar effect could be achieved by making links to the log files
> in the menu, but the log viewer also has the nice feature of comfotable
> date choosing.
>> - gnome-screenshot, a tool to take desktop screenshots and save them
>> into a file
> There is ImageMagick's "import" and a separate "scrot", which could be
> bound to the "print screen" key by default. There is the aforemntioned
> desktop plugin. Gimp can take screenshots.
One thing I would like to see is the Volume Manager Plugin activated and
set with "Device - Default"
With this plugin turned on, laptop and keyboard volume control buttons
just work without any tinkering
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