seed changes

Oliver Hoffmann oliver at
Tue Feb 5 18:38:12 UTC 2008

Jim Campbell schrieb:
> Hi All,
> On 2/5/08, *Jérôme Guelfucci* <jerome.guelfucci at 
> <mailto:jerome.guelfucci at>> wrote:
>     yep, there is a leader and it's not Jani :) It's Lionel, a guy that
>     does something else than modifying feeds.
> What can we do?  Can we create test cases for possible app inclusion?  
> Would there be individuals willing to test particular apps 
> head-to-head in VM's and report back on their findings?  I'm a bit 
> inexperienced in this regard, but are their app testing tools that can 
> measure the performance and resource usage of a particular application 
> and its dependencies?  This could be something where we can have a set 
> window of time to propose new applications, a set window of time to 
> test them and report back . . . etc.
Maybe I can offer another perspective here - from a users point of view:
It appears all Xubuntu developers are also users, and have their
preferences as users, which they would like to see satisfied when they
are acting as developers. Now it appears that there is a major choice to
be made: In case you cannto have both, is user-friendly-ness/stability
more important or  efficiency/lightweight-ness? Why not ask the users?
Xubuntu developers are users, too, but maybe not the most typical users.
Let the users AND the developers vote, each in their respective roles,
and the decision might be much easier.

cheers and thank you for an excellent product

Oliver Hoffmann

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